Chimere Moon

Chimere Moon

Chimere Moon is a Counselor/Administrator at NEO College Preparatory High School.

Who do you look up to most, and why?

I look up to my mom for countless reasons that have shaped who I am today. First and foremost, her unwavering love and support throughout my life have been a constant source of strength. She's not just a caregiver but also a mentor who has guided me through life's challenges with wisdom and grace. Her selflessness and the sacrifices she's made for our family inspire me to be a better person every day. Mom's resilience in the face of adversity has taught me the importance of perseverance and courage. Her values, from kindness and compassion to hard work and integrity, serve as my moral compass. Her nurturing nature has created a warm and loving home where I've always felt safe and cherished. In every way, my mom exemplifies the qualities I admire most, making her the ultimate role model and someone I wholeheartedly look up to.  


What's your favorite book and why?

My favor book is ‘The Coldest Winter Ever’.  "The Coldest Winter Ever" is a great read for me because it immerses me in a riveting narrative filled with complex characters navigating the harsh realities of urban life. Sister Souljah's storytelling captures the raw essence of the streets and provides an unflinching look at the challenges faced by its protagonists. I'm drawn to the book's powerful themes of resilience, empowerment, and personal transformation, and I appreciate the author's unique voice and ability to offer profound social commentary. This novel leaves a lasting impact, provoking thought and evoking a range of emotions, making it an unforgettable and thought-provoking literary journey. 


If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? What would you do there?

If I could travel anywhere in the world right now, I would go to Dubai.  I'm drawn to the idea of experiencing a unique blend of traditional Emirati culture and modern cosmopolitan living that Dubai offers. I want to see and marvel at iconic landmarks like the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, and the Palm Jumeirah, an incredible man-made island. Dubai is known for its luxurious lifestyle, and I'd love to indulge in the city's world-class shopping, dining, and entertainment. The idea of going on a desert safari, riding camels, and experiencing the desert's beauty and serenity is enticing. Lastly, escaping to Dubai's warm and sunny climate, especially during the winter months, sounds like a perfect way to enjoy some sunshine and outdoor activities. 


What does "paying it forward" mean to you?

Paying it forward it forward" means taking a kind or helpful gesture that someone has done for me and extending it to others. It involves me replicating the goodwill or assistance I have received by helping someone else in need, without expecting anything in return from them. Essentially, I am passing on the positive action or favor to make a positive impact on someone else's life, just as someone did for me. It's a way of perpetuating kindness and creating a chain reaction of good deeds in the world.